Thursday, January 21, 2016

Move to Web-based

In August 2015, due to the difficulty in getting video streaming working for 100% of users, the decision was made to redo the DartMan application as a web application, that is accessed online in your browser (Google Chrome, Firefox etc). This is now accessible via

As a result of this, the Windows DartMan application will not be updated again. All the focus will be on this new site where you can play games instead.

Since Augsust, in summary, the following updates have been made:

  • Moved online play to new web site
  • Online play with embedded video available for the following game types:
    • x01
    • Cricket
  • New Lobby
  • Moved the site to HTTPS
  • Added emoticons to the lobby
Work is ongoing to continue to improve the DartMan web site. On the list of thing to add are:

  • Play against the computer
  • Connect/Login/Register with Facebook
  • Ability to create groups of players and leagues
    • View statistics specific to the groups/leagues
  • and more...
If you have any suggestions, please add them to the below.

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Website Update - Charts on View Match page

The DartMan website has been updated with the following changes:

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a bug causing NAN to appear on checkout values where the player had 0 darts at a double.


  • Added charts to the View Game page, which show Average score in each leg, progression of three dart average by Leg and Checkouts for each leg.
The charts look like this:

Please provide feedback in the comments, via twitter or Facebook.

Monday, July 13, 2015

Website Updates

The DartMan website has been updated with the following changes:

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a bug that caused the server to distribute an empty GameFinished message to all clients when a player quit DartMan.


  • Added camera icon in Games List to indicate if there are images uploaded from this game available to view.
  • 180s and High Checkouts are now uploaded to Twitter, in addition to the existing Facebook uploads.
Please provide any feeback etc via the comments, or our contact page, Facebook or Twitter pages.

Saturday, July 11, 2015

DartMan v2.2.1.18 released!

DartMan has been updated with the following changes:

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed issues with saved settings for Video Compression and FPS to send not being loaded correctly on start up.
  • Fixed a bug which caused a Game Request which had just been accepted, to be displayed and the player advised again that it had been received.
  • "Empty" game requests are now cleared up if an attempt to decline or accept them is made.


  • The DartMan logo is displayed whilst waiting for the video connection to be established.
  • Renamed the Network and Video options tab to Webcam
  • You can now change the web cam to use whilst in a game. This can be done from the Options -> Webcam tab, and takes effect immediately.
  • Within the Online tab, the player states are more descriptive now when in game, detailing their opponents and the start score.
  • Added a Quit Game button for local x01 games.
DartMan will automatically update when restarted. Please provide any feedback, comments, suggestions or bug reports in the comments, or via our contact page, Facebook or Twitter links.

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

DartMan v2.2.1.17 released!

DartMan has been updated with the following updates:


  • Changes to the quality of images, and the frames per second being sent to the opponent player are adjusted automatically. Each client tells the other client how many images per second they are receiving, and if it doesn't match what the target rate is, the sending client will lower it's quality of images and/or the rate at which it sends them, until the receiving client is getting a steady stream of images.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed bug which caused an unhandled exception if the computer doesn't have a wireless network card installed.
DartMan will automatically update once restarted. Please provide any feedback in the comments below, or via the Contact page (link above) using the form or our Twitter button.

Saturday, June 20, 2015

DartMan v2.2.1.15 Released

DartMan has been updated, with the following changes:


  • The Scores Screen can now be moved anywhere by dragging it while holding the left mouse button down on it.
  • The Scores Screen will now always open on the non-primary display.
  • Empty chat messages are no longer sent.
  • Improved STUN Server connectivity by using IP Address initially, and only falling back to DNS resolution if that fails.
  • The Checkouts table and Players table are loaded from local cache first, then refreshed after from the database, to improve loading time.
  • DartMan now notifies you if you've beaten your best 3 Dart Average or Best Checkout % records after a game.
  • DartMan now shows a player's records when they are selected in the player list (Online or Local game screens).
  • Removed the My Web Cam view from the Remote Player's Webcam screen to improve performance - there is no need for it.
  • Set the FPS to send to remote player to 6 (was 8), to try improve performance
  • Changed the interval for checking messages awaiting Acks from every 0.4 seconds to every 1 second.
  • DartMan now opens the external port on the router if UPnP is working for every connection it establishes.
  • Refreshing the OnlinePlayers list is now done asynchronously to ensure no lock up of the application if it takes longer than usual for the service to return.
  • Updated the Refreshing of Online Players, so that the currently selected player in the list does not get reset/changed when players are refreshed.
  • Added logging of available WiFi networks and signal strength, as well as the currently connected SSID. This information will be logged periodically, as well as when a client connection times out for any reason.
  • After successful configuration of port-forwarding via UPnP, DartMan stops looking for UPnP devices on the network.
  • When Feedback is submitted, the current log file is uploaded also.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a bug that could cause an unhandled exception if you tried submitting a score before a game is started in Cricket.
  • Fixed bug in package which meant log4net configuration wasn't included
  • Fixed a bug that handled situations where there were duplicate entries in the FriendConnections table
  • Fixed a bug that would cause the server to distribute a GameFinished message if a player disconnected from online and wasn't involved in a game.
  • Fixed a bug that meant the web cam wouldn't display or get used properly when using Direct3D methods. Reverted to standard painting methods to correct this.
  • Fixed a bug that meant DartMan would need to be restarted after one successful Web Cam game, in order to be able to set up another one.
DartMan will automatically update when restarted. Please provide any feedback in the comments, or via the contact page on the website.

Friday, May 22, 2015

Website Updates - Facebook Uploads

Website Updates - Facebook Uploads

The DartMan website has been updated with the following functionality:

Please visit the page and like it! You can also tag yourself in any of the pictures that belong to you!