Saturday, July 11, 2015

DartMan v2.2.1.18 released!

DartMan has been updated with the following changes:

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed issues with saved settings for Video Compression and FPS to send not being loaded correctly on start up.
  • Fixed a bug which caused a Game Request which had just been accepted, to be displayed and the player advised again that it had been received.
  • "Empty" game requests are now cleared up if an attempt to decline or accept them is made.


  • The DartMan logo is displayed whilst waiting for the video connection to be established.
  • Renamed the Network and Video options tab to Webcam
  • You can now change the web cam to use whilst in a game. This can be done from the Options -> Webcam tab, and takes effect immediately.
  • Within the Online tab, the player states are more descriptive now when in game, detailing their opponents and the start score.
  • Added a Quit Game button for local x01 games.
DartMan will automatically update when restarted. Please provide any feedback, comments, suggestions or bug reports in the comments, or via our contact page, Facebook or Twitter links.