Monday, November 11, 2013

DartMan released

This is a minor update. The following changes have been applied:

  • Fixed a bug which meant that games involving non-registered players would appear on the list of games on the website. The games themselves could not be viewed however.
    • Both players in a game must be registered in order for the game to be saved and viewable online
  • Fixed a bug which set the player's remainder to 0 when the player scored 0 at the checkout stage of a leg. This only affected the display of the leg on the website, but did not affect any statistics or the marking of the leg in DartMan.

DartMan will auto update when launched. Please provide any feedback you may have.

Thursday, November 7, 2013

DartMan v2.0.0.14 - v2.0.0.16 releases

DartMan has been updated with the following updates:

  • DartMan v2.0.0.14

    • Contains minor fixes and background changes

  • DartMan v2.0.0.15

    • Fixed a bug which would cause the checkout darts and checkout score for a computer player to be zero when
      • They threw first
      • They won the leg
    • Fixed the display of checkout percentages not be fractions of 1
      • a checkout percentage of 83.55 percent was previously displayed as .8355
    • Fixed a bug which meant that the displayed stats for a computer player were incorrect
      • Note: This only affected the displayed stats in the application - the stats saved in the database, and shown on the website were still correct
    • Fixed a bug which meant that the calculation of First Nine Darts score for computer players was wrong, until the human player entered a score

  • DartMan v2.0.0.16

    • Minor bug fix
These changes are a required update, so DartMan will automatically update itself the next time it is launched. Please provide any feedback/comments you may have, here or in the contact page on the website.

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Website Updates

The following updates have been applied to the website:
  • Ability to find and add friends from the My Friends page in your profile
  • Ability to change your details on the Profile page:
    • First Name
    • Last Name
    • DartMan Display Name
    • Player Picture
As always, please provide feedback if there are any issues with any of the above features, or any other part of the DartMan website or application.

Monday, November 4, 2013

DartMan v2.0.0.13 released

The following configurable options have been added to the Options tab in DartMan:
  • Sounds
    • Enable Sounds
    • Announce Score
    • Announce Remainder
    • Play Computer dart hitting board sound
    • Sound files location
  • Keyboard Shortcuts
    • All quick-scores mapped to the function keys (F1 - F11) are now fully configurable
  • Computer Throw
    • The time delay between each computer is now configurable
DartMan will auto update and apply these changes the next time it is started.
As always, feedback is welcome! Please provide feedback in the comments, or via the Contact page.

Website Fixes

The following fixes were applied to the DartMan website just now:

  • Fixed a bug which meant that new users' games were not displaying on the website
  • Fixed a bug which meant that the Stats page was not considering games played on the current date when showing player statistics.

Saturday, November 2, 2013

DartMan v released

DartMan v2.0.0.12 contains the following changes:
  • Fixed a bug which meant that if Show Favourites was checked and then the Computer option was selected, no computer players were available to select to play against.
  • Added an information icon beside the Game Type drop down, to describe the purpose of this option
DartMan will automatically update the next time it is started. You can provide feedback in the comments, or via the website contact page.

DartMan application login resolved

There was an issue with logging into the DartMan application with your DartMan website account. This is now resolved as of 2nd November 13:35 GMT. Apologies for any inconvenience caused.

DartMan v2 released!

So finally, after 10 months, a complete rewrite of the DartMan windows application, and the supporting website is complete and ready for release. Everything has been rewritten completely from scratch, with numerous lessons learned from the previous incarnation. Hopefully, this has resulted in a much more stable and user-friendly application and website, with better integration between the two.

The website is here, and the application is downloadable here.

From here on in, following this public release, I will post development updates, bug fixes, changes and additions here in detail.