DartMan has been updated, with a user interface overhaul, and a complete redo of the online elements. The User Interface has been reorganised into tabs, for easier navigation, and to allow expansion and addition of other games to be scored at later dates. Here is a breakdown of the tabs, and the elements within them:
- Set up a game of x01 against human or computer opposition
- View who's online
- View/Accept/Reject online game requests received
- View/Cancel online game requests sent
- Send a new online game request
- Chat with other players in the lobby
- View server messages about new games starting, or existing games finishing
- Login to DartMan for online functionality and saving of scores/statistics
- Configure game options such as Shortcut Keys and Computer Throw delay
- Configure Network Connectivity ports
- Communication Port
- Video Port
- Configure and Test Camera for online play
- This tab displays the current game of x01, whether online or offline.
- This tab is only visible during an online game which has WebCam required checked. This tab will be selected when it is the other player's turn, so you can see their throw.
The game screen will be familiar to existing users, and so will most elements. The main difference is relating to the online elements, and configuring your PC to be able to use the online functionality. The most important thing in this regard is configuring online ports.
Setting Up Online Play
In order to play online, DartMan needs to be able to communicate with it's server, and also with other players who are connected. In order to do this, network ports need to be opened on your PC. There are a couple of steps you need to make after starting DartMan to ensure it will work online:
- When you start DartMan, if you are prompted to allow or block the program's access to the internet or with a Firewall alert, click Allow.
- Restart DartMan if you were prompted with the above message.
- Go to the Options tab
- Click Network and Video
- Select an IP Address from the list (usually it should begin with "192.")
- Click Auto Configure Ports
If you get a notification "UPnP configuration is applied. Please test connectivity to verify.":
Restart DartMan. Once restarted you should receive a notification that you are connected to the DartMan server, and then you are online.
If you get a notification "UPnP is not enabled for configuration on your PC and/or Router. Please enable UPnP and try again.":
You need to enable UPnP on your router and/or computer. In this case, check your router manual to enable UPnP (or search google for instructions specific to your router).
For instructions on enabling UPnP on your computer, click here.
Once you configure/enable UPnP, restart DartMan and then try to Auto Configure the ports again. If this still doesn't work, visit http://portforward.com for instructions on manually forwarding the DartMan ports to your PC. If you cannot get this to work, you can use the Contact Us page on our website and we will assist you getting going.
Once you are connected to the DartMan server, the next thing you should configure is your webcam:
- Go to the Options tab
- Click Network and Video
- Select a webcam from the list, and click Test Camera
- Adjust your webcam to a position you are happy with, and then click Stop Camera
- Don't forget to click Apply Changes in the bottom right to save your camera selection!
That should be it! Go into Game Setup and click Online and say hello to anyone who's online, send them a game request and get playing!
Note: Check the WebCam check box if you want this game to be a webcam game, otherwise no web cam will be required to play.
When you are in an online game, there is chat available between you and your opposing player. If the chat isn't visible, it is because you have a low screen resolution. You can still view the chat window by clicking the View menu, then choosing Show Chat.
DartMan will automatically update when you start it next.
Please provide any feedback, bug reports, suggestions in the comments, or via the Contact Us page on our website.